Safeguarding and Early Help

Safeguarding Policy:

  • Includes Child Protection Procedures
  • Written with Gloucestershire Safeguarding
  • Includes our Offer of Early Help

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 2023.pdf

Keeping Children Safe:
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) is a key document which forms part of our staff training. ALL staff, governors and volunteers are required to have read and sign that they understand Part 1 as a minimum requirement.

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023.pdf

Online Sexual Abuse
If you have concerns about online sexual abuse or grooming, look at:


Helplines and websites for your child and or young person

If your child or young person would like to speak to someone anonymously, they could try calling a helpline or visiting websites such as ChildLine and The Mix.

Shout provides free, confidential support, 24/7 via text for anyone at crisis anytime, anywhere.

You can:

·         text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK to text with a trained Crisis Volunteer

·         text with someone who is trained and will provide active listening and collaborative problem-solving

ChildLine provides a confidential telephone counselling service for any child with a problem. It comforts, advises and protects.

You can:

·         call 0800 1111 any time for free

·         have an online chat with a counsellor

·         check out the message boards

The Mix provides a free confidential telephone helpline and online service that aims to find young people the best help, whatever the problem.

You can:

·         call 0808 808 4994 for free – lines are open from 11am to 11pm every day

·         access the online community

·         email The Mix


Thinkuknow:  how to stay safe on your phone, tablet or computer.

Information for Parents