
Purpose of Study
At the Wye Forest Federation, we are passionate about ensuring all children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. We follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to ensure our pupils learn to read and write effectively and quickly. Through the systematic teaching of phonics all children learn to read fluently and confidently by the end of year 1/ beginning of year 2. Through RWI phonics children learn a simple alphabetic code followed by a more complex code. Embedding the alphabetic code early on means that pupils quickly learn to read and write simple words and sentences. All reading books progress cumulatively, matched to the sound’s children are learning and already know. The teaching of phonics is of high priority. Our aim is for pupils to complete the phonics programme as quickly as possible. The sooner they complete it, the sooner they will be able to choose books to read at their own interest and comprehension level and develop their independence as a reader.
Children with SEND and those whose progress is slow will be taught in the smallest groups. Tutoring will be used accelerate their progress. Incidental teaching of sounds will be targeted at those children who need it and is a key feature in our Foundation phase and Key Stage 1 classrooms.
Teaching and Learning
  • The systematic teaching of phonics takes a high priority throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in the EYFS, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not completed the RWI phonics programme. Adults also read to the children daily to promote a love of reading.
  • Children take part in daily synthetic phonic sessions, which follow the RWI scheme.
  • Within the progress groups we teach pupils to work effectively with a partner to explain and consolidate what they are learning. This provides the teacher with opportunities to assess learning and to pick up on any difficulties.
  • They are taught in progress groups to master skills. Children work within their progress groups for 30 minutes each day, this includes both a speed sound and storybook element.
  • Learning is consolidated daily both in our progress groups and throughout the day. It is also supplemented with 1:1 tutoring for children who are within our lowest 20%.
Through phonics our children will learn to:
  • Decode letter-sound correspondences using their phonic knowledge and skills.
  • To read common exception words on sight
  • To understand what they can read.
  • To read aloud with confidence, fluency and expression.
  • To develop letter formation
  • To spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words
  • Data and tracking is used effectively to ensure gaps are closing between all groups.
  • Children are assessed daily in their lessons and formally using the Read Write Inc assessments each six weeks. However, we are responsive to the needs of our children and our reading leader monitors the progress of all children to ensure they are working within the most appropriate progress group.
  • Tracking identifies sound gaps and reading targets for all children.
  • We are aiming for all pupils to become confident, fluent readers by the end of Year 1/ beginning of Year 2.
  • This year 100% of pupils meet the standard in the phonics screening check. Passing the screening check means that our children can confidently decode. This then enables them to develop their fluency and expression as a reader and access a wider range of texts to match their interests.
  • Currently 90% of our Year 1 children across the federation have been assessed as at expected standard or above. As a result, we are providing them with the skills to access a full curriculum and develop a life-long love of reading.
If you have any questions regarding phonics please book an appointment to see your child's class teacher or Miss Amy Wilson (Phonics lead). 



Use the link below to access the 'Read Write Inc sounds mats'. Feel free to print these off and use with your child at home.


Please use the link below to find out more about the Read Write Inc approach