
In Year Admissions
If you are interested in your child starting at St Briavels Primary School during the academic year then please read the information below:

We welcome applications for school places throughout the school year. Our indicated admission number for each year group is 20. If you are interested in a place at our school then the first process would be to call school and see if we have any spaces available in the required year groups. If space is available then you need to complete an inyear application form which can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.

St Briavels is a voluntary aided school we are therefore our own admissions authority. Decisions made by the Executive Headteacher and Governing Body are made based on the admissions policy in place at the time of the application. Our In year process is detailed below.

Admissions Policy St Briavels 2022-2023.pdf

Admissions Policy St Briavels 2021-2022.pdf

In Year Process - St Briavels Primary School

In Year Application Form