Daisy Class Page

Welcome to Daisy Class!

We are Year 1 and Year 2.


Our class teachers are Miss Wilson and Mrs Lindqvist,

Our teaching assistants are Miss Taylor, Mrs Morse and Mrs Clements





 Welcome to Daisy class page!

We start our day by having an emotional check-in to make sure we are all feeling ready to start our day. We have an opportunity to talk about feelings with a trusted adult when we don't feel ready. This is also a good time for us all to come together to start a new day. 

In the mornings we split into year 1 and 2 for our maths, English and science learning. Year 1 children are taught in Daisy class and year 2 children are taught in the hall which is set up as a fully functioning classroom. In maths, both year 1 and 2 children are building fluency following NCETM Mastering Number-program as well as our daily maths lessons. In English we develop children's story language to enable them to become confident storytellers and independent writers. We share carefully chosen stories daily with the children. 


 Over the year all children in year 1 and 2 have Forest school sessions with Mr Gazzard. They get to explore the different seasons, making the most of our wonderful forest school sites. 


Home Learning 

Home learning for year 1 and 2 can be found on SeeSaw. Parents will receive the child's individual log in details from their class teacher. 

We encourage all parents to access Seesaw as children's work, pictures and videos of activities are often uploaded on the site. We also expect children to read regularly at home. Children will be entered into our reading raffle when they read 3x a week.